Surviving the storm!

It is easy to survive the storms when you have built a good shelter for yourself..

Our backup node in London was targeted by an apparent DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack earlier today. These kind of attacks can see massive amounts of requests being sent by multiple sources orchestrated by an entity, or syndicate of entities, with the intention of saturate the capacities of your server and bring it down.

Fortunately, this node is protected by the great infrastructure of OVH UK and the totality of the malicious traffic was diverted and vacuumed into the mitigation systems of this datacentre and its peers worldwide.

We can report that the backup nodes did not suffer any hiccups during the attack and that the legitimate connections to the networks were successfully maintained.

This was an excellent stress test for GATOTECH and we are glad to confirm that our attention to detail is already providing peace of mind.

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